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Continue the CustomerX Files discussion!

Let's network, connect, and help each other. After every podcast, our speakers will host a PeerPerspectives session to give you a chance to bring up any questions, comments, and observations that may have come up while you were listening. And even if you haven't heard the podcast, feel free to join if you're simply interested in the topic.


A Reference Revolution

Friday, November 18

11:00 AM PT / 1:00 PM CT / 2:00 PM ET

Join David Sroka, CEO of Point of Reference and Alison Bukowski, Senior Director of Customer Marketing at PeerSpot, for this engaging PeerPerspectives session! Nothing is off limits as it relates to customer references:

  • Evolution of customer references - format, frequency, and use case
  • Eliminating the "little black book of references"
  • Protecting customers from reference burn out
  • Capturing valuable data, both qualitative and quantitative

Bring your questions and get ready for a great discussion!


Want to listen to the podcast episode in preparation for this session? Listen now!

Listen to the podcast here.