CustomerXFiles-V1 (1080 × 200 px)-2-1

Continue the CustomerX Files discussion!

Let's network, connect, and help each other. After every podcast, our speakers will host a PeerPerspectives session to give you a chance to bring up any questions, comments, and observations that may have come up while you were listening. And even if you haven't heard the podcast, feel free to join if you're simply interested in the topic.


Tools & Technology: Setting yourself up for Success

Wednesday, February 22

9:00 AM PT / 11:00 AM CT / 12:00 PM ET

Join Ana Kutcher, Customer Advocacy Manager at Wiz,  and Alison Bukowski, Head of Marketing at PeerSpot, for this engaging PeerPerspectives session! 

Bring your questions related to:

  • Automating processes
  • Finding efficient ways to execute and measure your goals
  • Doing more with less
  • Tools, technology and mechanisms to set yourself up for success


Want to listen to the podcast episode in preparation for this session?

Listen now.